You want help with the process that transfers all rights to and responsibility for a child from the child's legal parents to another person or persons.
You want help ending a marriage that was not legitimate in the first place because of fraud, deceit, misunderstanding, or another issue.
You had a family law judgment and you want to appeal it.
Child Abuse & Neglect
You want to bring or defend against a claim involving an allegation of child abuse or neglect.
Child Support
You have an issue involving the financial support that a parent may owe to a child.
You want to establish who has the right to care for and make important decisions about a child.
Divorce (complex/contested)
You and your spouse want to end your marriage, and you have children and/or you do not agree on how to deal with issues involving your property or finances.
Divorce (simple/uncontested)
You and your spouse want to end your marriage, you don't have children, and you agree on how to deal with issues involving your property and finances.
Divorce Modifications
You already got a divorce, but want to make changes to the final divorce order or agreement.
Domestic violence (petitioner)
You want protection from a family member or other type of intimate relation (for example: boyfriend or girlfriend) who is harrassing, threatening, abusing, or intimidating you.
Domestic violence (respondent)
You want to defend yourself against an allegation that you harassed, threatened, abused, or intimidated a family member or other type of intimate relation (for example: boyfriend or girlfriend).
You want help with a court process brought to let a child assume responsibility for their own care, property, and finances.
Family Mediation
You have a family law matter and want help with the process for resolving the issue outside of court.
You want help with the process for appointing someone to manage the care and finances of a person who cannot take care of themselves.
You want to help with a family matter that involves the laws of another state or country.
Marital Support
You want help determining what financial support one ex-spouse needs to provide the other.
Name Change
You want to change your legal name.
Parental Rights Termination
You want help with a court process brought to end the rights of one or more parents over their child.
You want to establish who the legal parent of a child is.
Physical Placement/Visitation
You want help with setting up visitation with a child.
Post-nuptial Agreement
You and your partner are married and want a document that clarifies each of your financial expectations.
Pre-nuptial Agreement
You and your partner are about to get married and want a document that clarifies each of your financial expectations.
You and your spouse plan to live apart while you decide if you'll be getting a divorce and want help with issues related to your finances, property, and children.