Elder Abuse / Neglect
You have an issue involving the mistreatment of an elderly adult.
Elder Benefits
You want help with public benefits such as medicare, food stamps, homestead credits or subsidized housing.
Estate Administration
You have an issue involving the management of the property of someone who passed away or who transferred their property to a fiduciary.
Estate Court / Probate
You have an issue involving the court process used to decide the inheritance, management, or division of the property of someone who passed away or who transferred their property to a fiduciary.
Estate Planning
You want documents (for example: last will & testatment, trust, family partnership) that set out your wishes for managing your property and finances.
You want help with the process for appointing someone to manage the care, property, and finances of a person who is unable to handle their own affairs.
Living Will / Advanced Directive
You are looking for documents that set out your wishes for end-of-life medical care.
Power of Attorney
You want a document that appoints someone to manage your care, property, and finances if you become unable to.
Simple Will
You want documents that set out your wishes for what happens to your property when you pass.
Specialty Trusts
You want a document that addresses unique issues that may arise when you pass away, such as protecting the interests of a partner who you are not married to or providing for heirs with disabilities.